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40 Days of Purpose

Today, we are exactly halfway through our All Church Spiritual Growth campaign, 40 Days of Purpose. So far we have examined three topics: 1. Life's biggest question, “What on Earth am I here for?” 2. Our first purpose: to worship God, 3. Our second purpose: to participate in Fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Three purposes remain: Discipleship, Ministry and Evangelism/Mission. Over the last 20 days, 16 groups with 140 members, have been engaged in conversations about these purposes. At least 200 have been reading the daily devotional and even more have been present to participate in Sunday worship where we have examined God's purposes for our lives. I have heard from several individuals that the experience of small groups and this study is changing their lives. One individual wrote and shared, “I was asked to share when I first experienced God's love… It was 10 days ago when I first sat in your pew.”

If you are one of the individuals who is being blessed by participation in a small group, public worship and private study- I commend you! If you've been less engaged, it's not too late! I invite you to put on your calendar Sunday, October 29th when we will conclude our campaign. We will review what we have learned. We will also have a special Ministry Fair to identify ways that God is at work in and through us and identify opportunities to engage more deeply with the mission of God and our personal Ministries.

I'd love to hear about the ways in which God is speaking to you and I look forward to more stories about what you are hearing!

In Christ, Jonathan

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