"I Am"
This week I went for a hike. I joined two men who I have known for more than a dozen years to hike a short portion of the Appalachian Trail. They were both members of my congregation in Ohio and now are pastors of their own churches.
We enjoyed experiencing the beauty of the Blue Ridge mountains in Virginia. We enjoyed encountering wildlife - toads, snails and even a deer with allergies (or so her sneezes seemed to indicate). Most of all, we enjoyed being known. With our shared history and vocation, we were able to pick up conversations that had lain dormant for months or even years. We were able to play off of jokes that began years ago. We were able to ask questions of each other and listen to each other in ways that were deeply meaningful.
I hope that you experience relationships like this in your life. If you don't, there is one available.
God tell us in His Word that he knew us before we were born (Psalm 139) and that he is always present with us (Acts 17).
If you are feeling alone or in fact are alone, God promises to never leave you or forsake you. God longs to spend time with you. God, your Father in Heaven, wants to listen to your thoughts and feelings and speak to you. God is not only, "I Am" to Moses. God is "I am" for us.
I invite you to ask Him the questions you really have, tell Him the things that are concerning you and share your joys.