Ruling Elders
Class of 2025: Jim Gatch, Julie Havel, Jessica Johnson, Eric MacDonald, Kate Meehan, Paul Tutton, John Walton
Class of 2026: LuAnn Crosby, Jeanne Cunningham, Mark Gibble, Art Kalemkarian, Jr., Susan Kassab,
Eileen McLaughlin
Class of 2027: David Layton, Cindy McPeak, Elizabeth Rohr, Jo Snead, John Wood
Joe Hare
Clerk of Session
Rev. Dr. David Cagle
PDF Document of the 2024-2025 Committees of Session. The document goes into detail about what each committee does.
Session Committees
The following are the current committees and task forces of Session with the current members.
Susan Kassab-Chair
Robin Smith
Mark Gibble
Joe Hare
Jeff Koenig
Staff: Interim Pastor Dr. David Cagle
Meetings usually occur on the
4th Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m.
Children's ministries
Jeanne Cunningham-Chair
Jessica Johnson
Sandi Gatch
LuAnn Crosby
Talene Derbabian
Meetings usually occur on the
1st Sunday of each month at 12:15 p.m.
John Walton-Chair
Chris Davis
Paul Tutton
Sharon Riley
John Wood
Staff: Sandy Campbell, Treasurer & Business Administrator, & Interim Pastor Dr. David Cagle
Meetings usually occur on the
2nd Monday of each month at 7 p.m.
Eileen McLaughlin Co-Chair
Cindy McPeak Co-Chair
Rich Erickson
Sue Hare
Melanie Landrith
Belle Patton
Staff: Interim Pastor Dr. David Cagle
Meetings usually occur on the
1st Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.
Paul Tutton-Chair
Doug Crosby
Martha Harriz
Art Kalemkarian, Jr.
Walt Koenig
Tom Palmer
Dale Snead
Jo Snead
John Wood
Staff: Scott MacDonald, Facilities Manager
Meetings usually occur on the
1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
Outreach & Evangelism
Jim Gatch-Co Chair
Jeanne Cunningham-Co Chair
Doug Crosby
Sandi Gatch
Karen Gibble
Susan Hare
Staff: Rev. Rose Sparrow, Parish Associate
Spiritual Formation
Kate Meehan, Chair
Shirley Bishar
Steve Buxton
Sharon Riley
David Layton
Staff: Rev. Rose Sparrow, Parish Associate
Meetings usually occur on the
4th Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.
Technical ministries
Art Kalemkarian, Jr.- Chair
Mark Gibble
Brian McLaughlin
Tom Palmer
Chad Sanford
Staff: Scott MacDonald, Facilities Manager
Eric MacDonald-Chair
Chris Blidan
Renee Erickson
Karen Gibble
Martha Harriz
Elizabeth Rohr
Brian McLaughlin
Staff: Interim Pastor Dr. David Cagle, Rev. Rose Sparrow, Lisa VanHeldorf, & Andrew Behringer.
Meetings usually occur on the
4th Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.
Sharon Riley-Chair
Congregational nominating
Kate Meehan-Elder Chair
Cindy McPeak-Elder Vice Chair
Sue Hare-Deacon Rep
Congregation members: Rich Erickson, Kim Gilchrist, Sue Kolva, & Elaine Fetterman
Staff: Interim Pastor Dr. David Cagle, Ex Officio
youth ministries
Jessica Johnson, Co-Chair
Julie Havel, Co-Chair
Robin Kauffman
Tom Jackson
Dave Richards
Staff: (vacant), Director of Youth Ministries
Meetings usually occur on the
4th Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.
(Deacons Committee)
Lynne McCone
Kate Meehan
Dave Heckman
Kim Gilchrist
Jim Gatch
Jeff Beaumont