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Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly,
teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. - Colossians 3:16

Our first purpose as musicians in the church, especially worship leaders in the church, is to glorify God by letting Him increase through our worship and service while we let ourselves decrease. It is our goal to grow in our love for God and the gospel, to love and serve the others through a growing variety of high-quality musical outlets, to mentor and mutually-encourage one another (especially cross-generationally), and to grow in our musical skill & excellence in our respective areas. It is our goal that our musicians who are leading the church in song become lead worshippers, not just worship leaders. In an effort to facilitate and help an increasing number of members from MPC’s congregation step forward to contribute to the musical worship of the church, we are offering new and creative ways to incorporate music into our worship and corporate life at MPC, as well as outreach.

Handbell Choir

Our four-octave handbell choir is up and running!  We prepare music to share in traditional worship services once per month during the program year, as well as for special services as needed.  We are happy to welcome anyone interested in playing the bells - no previous experience is necessary! Please contact Sue Hare for more information at


Sanctuary Choir

This talented group presents a variety of beautiful choral music  for our weekly worship service from Labor Day through Memorial Day. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. For more information about participating in the choir, please contact Choir Director Lisa Vanheldorf at


Worship Team

The Worship Team incorporates contemporary styles of music into the  service. The worship team teaches and leads hymns                          re-written/rearranged, Scripture songs, and new worship songs of contemporary and local songwriters with the goal of making the messages and melody more tangible and relevant to today’s culture.

This team also shares special music at special services, such as the Christmas concert, Christmas Eve service, Easter week services, Ash Wednesday service and periodic combined services. Singers participate in the MPC Voices of Praise along with youth and adult choir members, as well, and all worship team musicians have opportunities to collaborate with the other music groups of the church. Rehearsals are on Thursday nights, subject to change each season, depending on the needs of team participants. If you sing and/or play an instrument and are interested in participating on the worship team or sharing in special music, please contact our Director of Contemporary Worship, Andrew Behringer at 


30 E. Baltimore Avenue, Media PA 19063 |  Tel: 610-566-3944
© 2023 by Media Presbyterian Church

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