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Class of 2025: Suzanne Beaumont, Doug Crosby, Susan Hare, Dave Heckman, Robin Kauffman,

Jill Lardon, Lynne McCone, Betsy McKeone, Pamela Orr, Belle Patton


Class of 2026: Jim Archambo, Kim Gilchrist, Alex Moore, Sharon Riley


Class of 2027: Steve Beckley, Jean Furey, Dave Kolva, Sue Kolva, Cornelia Vieira


Co-Moderators: Jean Furey and Kim Gilchrist




OUR MISSION: MPC’s Benevolence Program strives to serve God by demonstrating His love to our neighbors in critical times of need by granting emergency financial and other tangible assistance.


OUR COMMITTEE: The Benevolence Committee consists of three to five church officers. The Committee works in conjunction with members of the church staff in an effort to meet urgent and emergency needs as they come to the attention of the church through either personal contact or the Benevolence Hotline.


FUNDING: The Benevolence Program receives funding primarily through our monthly Communion offerings as part of the Deacons’ Fund.


AID PROVIDED: The Committee has access to a multitude of resources to provide assistance to members of the community in need, which assistance may include direct help, referral to privately or publicly funded programs, or other guidance in obtaining relief.  Examples of aid provided include such things as: payment of utility bills, rent or mortgage; providing groceries; payments for prescription medications; tokens for public transportation; assistance with Christmas gifts; food from the Food Cupboard; clothing or other items collected from the congregation and elsewhere.  In each situation, the particular circumstances are examined to determine the type and level of aid the church can provide.


CONTACT INFORMATION: If you, or someone you know, are in need of assistance, please contact the Benevolence Hotline at 610.566.3944, ext. 2000.

Member Care

ASSISTANCE FOR CHURCH MEMBERS! If you or someone you know within the church family ever needs assistance, please don’t hesitate to call our Deacon Hotline. For example, requests may include home repairs, the desire for a pastoral visit or phone call, or even a ride to a doctor’s appointment, etc. This assistance may be for yourself or for a member who is hesitant to reach out for help, in which case, the call me be anonymous. Please call 610-566-3944, ext. 50, leave your name if you need help, or leave the name of the person/s in need of assistance, phone number and specific need. The hotline is checked several times a week, and all requests are confidential.



SECOND TIME AROUND PARENTS (STAP): The deacons assist the second time around parents by coordinating several events during the year. In the Fall, we collect school supplies and winter coats and jackets for thechildren. At Christmas, we host a party for the grandparents and children. The gifts
placed under the angel tree are distributed at this party. The angel tree also provides gifts for children in the Rose Tree Media school district. In the Spring, we host an everybody’s birthday party for the grandparents that meet weekly at our church. The generosity of the congregation makes this possible. More information about the STAP program can be found here

New Initiatives

New Initiatives serves as a way for the Deacons to explore serving the congregation and community in new ways that may fall outside of our traditional ministries of Benevolence, Congregational Care, Hospitality, and Visitation (a ministry of presence).  Most recently, New Initiatives is working with our Missions committee to further develop the Local Ministry service opportunities. If you have any New Initiatives that you would like to see the Deacons become a part of, please contact the church office.  

30 E. Baltimore Avenue, Media PA 19063 |  Tel: 610-566-3944
© 2023 by Media Presbyterian Church

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